
Greek clipping - 1986


(translation from the old Shadow Cabinet website)




The Church formed in 1980 with Steven Kilbey and Peter Koppes in Sydney, Australia. A short while thereafter, Nick Ward and Marty Willson-Piper joined forces. During 1980, they released two singles, "She Never Said," and "The Unguarded Moment" from their first album "Of Skins And Heart," which went gold in Australia.

Until recently, The Church released two other albums, many singles, and toured extensively here in Europe. They also changed drummers in the name of Richard Ploog.

They had a lukewarm reception, but were critically acclaimed. Recently, they went to London to attempt to become more known in music circles.

Their new album, Heyday, will be released in May and Tantalised is their first single from the album.


Thanks to Valerie and George for translating that and sending it in !


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