Anyway, Steve wrote an interesting and perhaps sarcastic little note. He numbered the answers to my question.
I don't remember if I numbered them originally or not.
I have filled in what I remember of the questions inside brackets. My questions weren't fantastic.
Also inside the book was a self portrait of Kilbey sans-beard and labeled "Self Portrait 1996".
When I get access to a scanner, I will scan it in. Can someone help me with this?
Now, the letter (all spellings, punctuation, etc. are his):

"Dear Reinschie

1. Fake is so top secret even I don't know anything about it. [asking about Fake]

2. Whispering on the golden dawn says "Oh sweet satan we exalt thee you silly old devil!" [asking about the whispering on "The Golden Dawn"]

3. The significance is of no significance to you. [asking about the significance of the phrase "The Dream King" hidden on "Remindlessness]

4. Yes. Them. [probably about a CD of tracks only currently on vinyl, but it still hasn't happened]

5. Hope you like the book

Lots of Love
Kilbey xxxx"

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