The Grand Orbit concert was fantastic. The mood/atmosphere was much
better than the ZOO. (according to one of the sound guys Skilbey and MWP
did not like the ZOO and pissed off as soon as they could after the first set
hence no encore!!!.)

By the way I hope you received my review of the ZOO concert. I received
heaps of Mail Daemons and undeliverable error messages. Let me know if
you want me to forward it again.

Briefly, Grand Orbit is the one of the newest night clubs in Brisbane. It's
extremely up market and they charge through the roof for alcohol. Try $AUD
3.80 per stubbie (385 ml) of beer!

SKilbey seemed to enjoy himself more and of course MWP played brilliantly,
although he had trouble most of the night with feedback. At one point he said
"I'll play this one backwards" refering to facing his Guitar to the back of the
stage, which met with applause from the crowd.

About two thirds of the way through MWP broke a string. He said "I'm looking
for a green one in a red light" holding a bunch of strings if that means
to you guitar bofins! While he was changing the string I decided I'd try to
SKilbey chatting. The dialogue is as follows:

JM - Tell them about your wanted ad Steve. (refering to SKilbeys Lonely Heart
SK - About my what?
JM - Your wanted ad.
SK - (Laughing) Oh.. they told you about that did they?
(Crowd laughs)
SK -(Pause) Has anyone fallen in love tonight? Just raise your hand. Good no
(laughter from the crowd)
( MWP still trying to fix his string)
(more silence)
JM - What about a new Church album? (merely hoping to give him the idea that
we're all keen for them to keep producing and remain inspired. Especially after
the gloomy report we had from Brian Smith.)
SK - Who is that out there??
JM - (Ducking first then slowly raising my hand)
SK - You're like a little bird on my shoulder. Everytime I stop talking you
(thunderous laughter from crowd)
JM - (Officially buried. But it was worth it)

They did an encore!!!!!(thank god!) So we got to hear Cortez the Killer but
out on Lost. :((


PS. After the show the sound guy showed me the microphone that MWP used. He
said it was better than the one Skilbey had used and it was worth at least
hundred dollars. In case anyone is interested.

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