SMITN was a writing duo consisting of Ellie Rosenthal and Chilean guitarist and vocalist Rodrigo Bustos.
In 2020 Steve Kilbey provided lyrics and vocals to "The River of Singing Fish."
This song was released on Jan. 4, 2021 on Spotify and other sites.
Sometime before 2025 Ellie Rosenthal was replaced with Sunday Hunter
and "The River of Singing Fish" was removed from their social media sites.
Lyrics (unofficial)
The River of Singing Fish
I gotta get back to the river of singing fish
I wish I was there
Swishing down those glades and groves of loveliest trees
Laugh without care
Oh, you know I like your face
Yeah, I follow you any place
Hey, the spoon and the dish
Come on with me to the river of singing fish
Of singing fish
I gotta get back to the river of singing fish
I wish you would come
Splashing in those lovely waters
You oughta be glad
You'll never feel glum
Oh, I like your style
Yeah, I walk with you for awhile
Hey, we'll splash and we'll splish
Come on with me to the river of singing fish
Of singing fish
I gotta get back to the river of singing fish
I wish you could see
Joshing with your friends in the fields
The bloomin' weeds, so easily
River of singing fish
The river of singing fish
The river of singing fish
The river of singing fish