Silhouette In Meltdown
Appears On:
- Operetta single (2009), Track 2
Lyrics (unofficial)
[rev. Aug. 31, 2013]
Normal day, any town
Where's my angle
Where's my breakdown
Where's my silhouette in meltdown
Where's my struggletown
So I don my disguise
And walk out into the sunrise
Put something in my system to normalize my eyes
So it won't be too much of a surprise
All the lies, huh
The faint-hearted door
The queen's pawn
The undead and unborn
The dryad and fawn
Then the scene is saw
The lion and the unicorn
Pretty maids off the lawn
Like seeing the moon in the morn'
So I wander through the wreckage of Carthage
Yeah, the Romans did a good job with all that sand
I suppose I'm just supposed to understand
I mean it won't mean much, heh, when the aliens land
And you got 6-6-6 zeros in your hand