Walk On Down The Hall

Steve Kilbey / Martin Kennedy

Appears On:

Lyrics (unofficial)

Listen to me
Listen to my voice (listen to my voice)
You're walking down a hall
At the other end of the hall is a door (is a door)
You don't know what's on the other side of the door
And you walk slowly towards it
As you walk slowly down the hall you become aware (you become aware)
Of your own senses (of your own senses)
The smell of the hall
The taste of the air
Your feet against the wooden floor
The neon (the neon) outside
The rain against the window (against the window)
A car in the street
The distant sound (distant) of the city
And you walk towards the door
You count to ten backwards
When you get to one (when you get) you will open the door
And find out (and find the light)
what is behind the door? (what is behind the door?)
Ten, you get closer
Nine (nine), you get closer
Eight, you're almost there
Seven, so near
Six, so close (so close)
Five (five), almost
Four, yes (yes)
Two (two)
One (one)
Open the door