The Original Shadow Cabinet
Note : This was originally intended as a one-event page but has a mind of its'll get more structured soon.
The Official Margot Smith site (Wayback Machine) is up and running ! Lyrics, videos,'s all there.
Sue maintains a regularly updated page about Margot - have a look ! (Wayback Machine)
This is the report I sent to the Seance mailing list on March 25th about Margot's first performance at Deakin University. After the show we all went out for pizza, which was fun.
Hi all,
I saw Margot Smith play at Deakin Uni (Burwood) here in Melbourne last night, and her band included Peter Koppes. It must be a while since Peter's been in a support act, as I noted to Margot, and she said they've been teasing him about it mercilessly. Peter saw us talking and said "What ?" so I repeated the comment and he said "It's worse than that - we're the *first* support act (out of two) at a University gig ! But I'd rather be here playing this music than be on stage with Pearl Jam or someone like that."The gig was great, though short - perhaps 35 to 40 minutes and Margot really seemed to get across to the crowd. In my experience the first support act is largely ignored but Margot definitely had the crowd's attention, at least those in the front half of the room. She does this thing...mmm....where she'll point to a person in the audience on lines like " you..." or "without you...". There's a real sense of connection there - wow.....
I met Paula and her friend Sandra from Seance; Margot thanked them both for coming along. Her friend Jason said he saw a couple of people singing along to all the songs - it was Paula (and Sandra too ?) !
Afterwards we went back to the band room to relax and decide what to do for the rest of the night. Margot was signing my album covers and asked Pete to get her a beer from the crate of beers & water provided for the band. "What ?" says Pete. "Can you get me a beer ?" says Margot, still looking down and mumbling somewhat. "What ?!" says Pete again. "Please. Get. Me. A. Beer" says Margot - exceptionally clearly. "BEER ! You want a f'kin beer !?" says Pete, putting on a "petulant rock star" look ! He grabbed the crate and stormed over to the table and let it drop from about two feet up ! SLAM ! The ice water at the bottom sloshes out and splashes everywhere (including the not-quite-dry ink from Margot's pen on my album cover) and Margot says "Geez, you can tell he's from The Church, can't you !"
As we were leaving, Pete noticed there were 3 beers left in the crate - he chastised everyone "Hey ! How rock'n'roll is this; leaving free beer behind !" It seems that if a musician does anything at all wimpy it's everyone else's job to say "Rock'n'roll !" with mock sincerity, which translates to "You're not living hard enough, mate, this is the music industry and as such it would behoove you to shotgun another beer."
Afterwards we all went out for pizza ! Just the usual chit-chat here with discussions about Life, The Universe and Everything.
Actual Church News and Things Learned: Tim is in England on holiday, the new album won't be out till at least mid-year, the Refo:mation really opened Pete's mind to wanting to keep working on music, the Pharmakoi album reveals Steve's dark side, though all the lyrics are NOT based on real people or events....does that make sense ? Pete said he and Tim were already talking about another Refo:mation album ! Mmmmmm....
Oh, and Margot decided her band will be called "Margot Smith and The Government" - though this was over pizza will probably be forgotten or discarded :)
My thanks to Al Cementon for filming the first song while I was on stage, and to the band for letting me share this video with everyone.
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