
The Original Shadow Cabinet



A complete and detailed list of every Church, solo and collaborative release. (now links to discography site)
The lyrics of all Church and related releases. Please be aware these are unofficial transcriptions. (now links to discography site)

Chords and Tablature
If you want to play some Church songs this is the place to look. Many songs are in chord form only, so you'll have to work out the details on your own. (now links to discography site)

Frequently Answered Questions
The most commonly asked questions about The Church are answered here. It also serves as a good introduction to the band.

Set lists
An extensive list of the songs played at Church and solo concerts. (now links to discography site)

Release Dates
A list of the dates on which albums and singles were released. It also contains other significant known dates, such as when recordings took place. Maintained by Richard Powell. (Updated release dates can be found on the discography site.)

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