SK In Lemuria Pink

S. Kilbey

Appears On:

SK In Lemuria Pink

Narration (unofficial)

yeah, whatever baby
oscillating between poetry and anti-war sarcasm
sk, are you being sarcastic to those belligerent warmongers?
sk, are you being rude to those blood-thirsty animal eaters?
sk, did you tell all the aggressive philistines to fuck off?
ooh sk, you're worse than hitler
a storm in a teacup
still the wars rage on
still the prisoners remain bound
and still all the rest
what can you do?
try to make small changes
try being nice
go on, why not
i'm painting and working on music
i dive deeper and find there's constantly more
another plane of colour
another unexplained sound wash
be careful, don't rush it
consider, and take it easy
if it ain't easy, it's too hard
see how the masters achieve their effect
they do it with love
dedicated to the hell of it
they get marvelous
try for impossibility
and leave space
and grow up
and remain child-like
focus and detach
let your mind wander as you work
the first things are the best things
and get some distance
and try new things
respect the rules
and then break 'em
expect the best from yourself
and never be too hard on yourself
make the music like a painting
and make the painting like music
follow your train of thought and trust your heart
and listen to your muse
and baby don't blow it
and don't get angry
if it's fucked up don't persevere
start again
pull stuff out of the thin air
pull opposites together
mating [3:12] intellectual and sexy and divine
and nice, so nice
and stay away from dissonance until you know what you're doing
imitate and innovate
see if you can do it properly
before you do it lazily
lazy ain't easy
listen to your friends' say, then ignore 'em
if you know it's brilliant salt [3:55] their criticism
if you know it's baloney then salt [4:00] their praise
yeah, presentation is important
don't be too humble when you're lettin' 'em hear it and see it
don't tell 'em too much about it
be modest and realistic
except if you're a genius
then behave like one
try different things
and when you paint make sure you've got the right music on
and talk about art and music all the time
and think about it
you'll be surprised how answers come to you unbidden
practice every day and love it
and love it
and love it
hence you gotta love it
gotta love it
you gotta love it