Marty Willson-Piper/Dare Mason
(Interference Music)
Appears On:
- Noctorum - Sparks Lane (2003), Track 2
Lyrics (unofficial)
[rev. May 31, 2018]
I was lying with the pictures on your bedroom floor
None of us were making a sound
Staring at the ceiling where the faces fade
And fall like old confetti to the ground
I am just a statue in your gallery
Holding you with broken arms
You're switching from a concept to an allegory
Lost you in the maps on your palms
(Je préfère) [I prefer]
I'd like to see
(Vivre hièr) [Live well]
Aujourd'hui [Today]
(Je préfère)
I'd like to see
(Vivre hièr)
You can take a German language course then move to Spain
Wear your overcoat in the sun
Think about the seventies till you're insane
And try to find the pun in the Hun
Accelerate your Citroën down the Roman streets
Crash as many times as you need
But putting all your yesterdays in front of you
Isn't gonna give you the lead
(Je préfère)
I'd like to see
(Vivre hièr)
(Je préfère)
I'd like to see
(Vivre hièr)
"C'est quoi, cette espèce de chanson?
C'est Françoise Hardy?
Vous savez j'ai tous ses disques.
Vous voulez écouter 'Tous les Garçons et les Filles'?
Ah come on, cette chanson m'ennuie a mourir."
"What kind of song is this?
Is this Françoise Hardy?
You know, I have all his records.
Want to listen to 'All Boys and Girls'?
Oh come on, this song bores me to death."
(Je préfère)
I'd like to see
(Vivre hièr)
(Je préfère)
I'd like to see
(Vivre hièr)
(Je préfère)
I'd like to see
(Vivre hièr)
(Je préfère)
I'd like to see
(Vivre hièr)