My Museum

Marty Willson-Piper/Dare Mason
(Interference Music)

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Lyrics (unofficial)

My museum of cobwebs and dust
Frozen statues cold to the touch
Trace of perfume hangs in the air
But I can't see you, there's nobody there

Heavy curtains, billowing lace
In the shadows I still see your face

Red Persian carpets, Arabian bells
Ring in my ears like the sirens of hell
You are a luxury, a poison, a drug
And I don't know how to unplug

To rise or to fall
Dark mocking portraits
Stare out from the wall
In the silence
I'm deafened by noise
I have no choice
I have no choice

Winding hallways, mirrors and lights
Blinding beauty, all your delights

Circuses spinning around in my head
There's blood in the fairground
The sky has turned red
You're a minx, you're an angel
You're ice, you're the sun
You seem to have me undone