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Lyrics (unofficial)

[rev. Jan. 14, 2019]

(No real lyrics, just some odd dialog interspersed with the music in a couple places.)

[female voice]
...they can find some way to rapidly change the planet.
Throughout the forest beyond the greenhouse...
Life itself will have to be transformed.
Line the main hatch to make the desert blue, to make it more like home.
...a department which scientists call ??? [2:49]

[female voice]
The final day of ??? [3:59] is much better before
And it seems that one science fiction daydream in particular might have given us a glimpse of the shape of things to come.

[male voice]
What's going to happen is that we will kill the raja [4:12]
Like a family...
I suspect we will be tolerant [4:15]...
??? [4:16-4:23]
I've got pictures, about half women and half ??? [4:27]...
??? [4:28-4:31]